What Are Visual Effects on a Video?

Visual Effects vs. Special Effects

Visual effects and special effects are often used interchangeably. But they are actually completely distinct aspects of filmmaking.

Special effects refer to practical effects created on set during filming. These include things like explosions, makeup, prosthetics, animatronics, and pyrotechnics.

SFX is often used to create physical illusions that you can’t make through digital means alone. They require specialized equipment, materials, and expertise to create.

Visual effects, on the other hand, are a digital creation in post-production. People use VFX to create impossible or unrealistic elements, like aliens, robots, or fantasy worlds.

Types of Visual Effects

There are many different types of VFX techniques that can be used to create different effects and achieve different visual goals.

Using different VFX techniques can also be a way to achieve effects that would be difficult or impossible to achieve through normal means.

You’ll want to use different VFX techniques to match the visual style and tone of the project. Different techniques can create different visual moods and aesthetics. So, it’s important to choose the right technique for the story.

Matte Painting

Matte painting lets you create realistic or imaginary backgrounds, landscapes, or sets that would be too hard or literally impossible to build in real life.

You can use matte painting to combine and manipulate visual elements. That way, you can create a seamless and convincing illusion of a physical environment. Matte painting is often used in science fiction, fantasy, and historical films to depict imaginary or ancient worlds.


Compositing is when you combine multiple visual elements or layers into a single image or sequence.  This technique is widely used in film, video, and animation production to create complex and realistic visual effects.

You can do things like adding computer-generated imagery to live-action footage, or creating surreal and fantastical environments.

3D Modeling

3D modeling helps people create three-dimensional objects and characters. Then, they can animate them in a virtual environment. They are widely used in the production of films, video games, television shows, and other forms of digital media.

In 3D modeling, someone creates a three-dimensional representation of an object or character. The model is built using a variety of techniques, including polygonal modeling, subdivision surface modeling, and sculpting. The resulting model can be textured, lit, and rendered to create a photorealistic image or animation.

Particle Effects

Particle effects are visual elements created using specialized software to simulate the behavior of small, often microscopic, particles such as smoke, fire, dust, water, and sparks. They are widely used in video marketing and digital media to create dynamic and realistic visual effects.

Particle effects are created using specialized software, which allows artists to define the behavior of the particles based on things like velocity, gravity, and air resistance.

The particles can be textured, lit, and rendered to create photorealistic effects. Or, you can stylize them to create more abstract or fantastical visuals.

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